
The project seeks to make a difference in education by introducing essential digital resources (encyclopedias, books, training videos, etc.) to schools in remote areas where the Internet is at best spotty if not altogether unavailable. It uses open hardware (Raspberry Pi 4), open source software (Apache, PHP, etc), and open educational resources (OERs) to bring much-needed resources to rural K-12 schools. Project website: library.ph. Download: downloads.library.ph. Email: [email protected]. Related paper: psyfi.org/box

The KoSaKa (Kontra Sagabal sa Kalsada) app is a citizenship platform for reporting road obstructions that LGUs and other government authorities can address. Citizens can take photos of obstructions that get geo-tagged automatically, and have such images shared on the platform that the public can monitor. KoSaKa also enables the mapping of street crimes with victims’ self-reports. Android | iOS.
TRIZ Training

UPSILAB champions TRIZ as a methodology for systematic innovation and problem solving. TRIZ is a long-established, powerful problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool used by leading organizations all over the world. UP SILab works with partners to hold TRIZ training workshops. For training calendar, see Events page. For more info on individual TRIZ events and other community activities, visit golive.ph. To schedule a training at your own institution, email [email protected]
R for Social Research

“R for Social Research” is part of a series of training workshops on Computational Social Research that UP SILab spearheads with other partner organizations. R is a multi-platform computing package for statistics, graphing, and visualisation. See details and training schedules at GoLive.ph.